Welcome to The Grinding Centre - A highly respected PROFESSIONAL distributor of quality abrasive products.
The Grinding Centre established in 1968 is a leading supplier of Precision Grinding Wheels, for Production, Surface and Cylindrical Grinding Toolroom ,Saw Sharpening and Bench Grinding applications.
Diamond Dressing Tools , Diamond & CBN Wheels , Honing Stones and Equipment . High Quality Flap Wheels .
Our products are manufactured by the best British and European manufacturers and conform to the latest ISO and OSA standards including EN 12413 this ensures quality reliability and repeatability of orders and stringent manufacturing quality and safety standards.
We supply our products to large and small companies throughout the manufacturing industry who benefit from our large stocks, technical back up and excellent service.
Exclusive agents for Norton, Flexovit, Tyrolit , Swaty , Delapena Honing Equipment ,