Prices stated are exclusive of VAT and do not include delivery charges.
Any complaints or shortages must be advised upon receipt of delivery.
and returned to us within 7 days.
Dates for deliveries are approximate and we cannot be held responsible
For any delays
Any person using Abrasive products should be fully trained in their use and
Comply with the HSE regulations. In the case of Abrasive wheels this is The
Provision and use of Work Equipment regulations 1998 (PUWER).
Further details available upon request.
Immediately upon receipt all Grinding Wheels should be inspected
to make sure they have not been damaged in transit or otherwise.
STORAGE Extreme care should be exercised in the storage of grinding wheels .
They should be kept in a dry place and supported on edge in racks . With the exception of
of Type 1 Straight sided wheels ¼” wide or less in thickness which should be laid flat on a straight
surface to prevent warping. Further information regarding wheel storage available upon request.